Wandsworth Bridge Road
Wandsworth Bridge Road traffic reduction scheme, Fulham.
September 2020
Very few residents can be unaware of the fairly catastrophic traffic queues across South Fulham. Locals have kicked into gear and formed an action group, the Wandsworth Bridge Road Residents and Business Association (WBRA). Look at their website https://wbrassociation.org.uk/ for updates and to contact them if you would like to support or help.
The group has quickly become active and engaged with the Council and locals and has come up with well thought through ideas rather than just being a protest group.
It was set up following the introduction of the Traffic Reduction Scheme introduced in Sands End to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road (see separate post). Many local residents take the view that the traffic reduction scheme intended to stop rat running has contributed to the recent increased congestion in the area.
According to the council the current congestion could be largely attributed to the numerous bridge closures across London and increased traffic in general resulting from reduced public transport use and increased private vehicle use as a result of COVID-19.
The WBRA accept that work on the bridge and changed work/ driving patterns are contributing factors but remain to be convinced that the impact of the traffic scheme is as minimal as the council believes.