What we do.
The Fulham Society aims to preserve and enhance the character of Fulham for the benefit of all, to preserve what is good and to help change what needs improving. It lobbies, campaigns, informs and influences to protect the interests of all who live and work here.
Our area of interest is the old Metropolitan Borough of Fulham, that is as it was in 1962 before the Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham was created. It includes all the SW6 postcode and part of the current W14 and W6 postcodes.
Fulham is a desirable place in which to live and there is a constant pressure to alter and redevelop the local area. The Society aims to promote high standards of planning and architecture and tries to prevent over development and encroachment on public land.
It reviews all relevant planning applications each month: many are discussed and commented on to the Council. It monitors and comments on all large-scale development proposals, consulting with both the Council and the developers. It encourages members to share their views and is always willing to engage with architects, planning consultants, and local residents.
We aim to preserve Fulham’s past as well as its present and the Society campaigns to preserve its historic buildings. The Society’s successes have included Fulham Palace, the 17th Century Sandford Manor, the 18th century Fulham House and Fulham Town Hall and the maintenance of the integrity of the many conservation areas.
In addition to the built environment, the Fulham Society seeks to improve all aspects of the community that contribute to the quality of our lives.
These include parks and trees, the use of open spaces, public transport and traffic, the river as it flows through Fulham and its bridges. We support efforts to reduce traffic congestion, improve public transport, encourage recycling and improve air quality.
Informing Members
The Fulham Society wants to stimulate public interest in Fulham. Members receive three Newsletters a year giving the latest news and work of the Society. These are also available on the website (to obtain the most up to date newsletter you need to be a member - join here).
The Society arranges events, lectures and outings. We encourage members to share their views and actively participate in all that we do.
The wider community
We support and encourage the work of other local groups including the Fulham & Hammersmith Historical Society, the Hammersmith & Fulham Historic Buildings Group, the West London River Group and HACAN (Heathrow Airport Control of Aviation Noise).
The Society also supports other local amenity groups and charities when resources allow. The magnificent planters either side of the main courtyard entrance to Fulham Palace were donated by the Society. Recently we have planted a Fulham oak in Hurlingham Park and sponsored a water fountain in South Park.