Bee/Pollinator Survey Training, Wed 10 July 2024

This one-day session has two objectives:

To introduce a simplified pollinator survey methodology

To further extend and enhance bee ID and recording skills introduced in Dr Tony Madgwick’s beginners’ session in April 2024.

Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen from anther to stigma for reproduction, in this case the generation of fertile seeds. There are many ways in which plants can be pollinated, but one of the most important in our gardens and formal spaces is pollination by a wide variety of insects. For effective pollination, the gardener’s aim should be to create and manage biodiverse spaces containing a range and abundance of pollinating insects that are active throughout the growing season. Before optimising our garden spaces for effective pollination, we need to know what pollinators are present, in what numbers and to which plants they are most attracted. As we further develop our garden spaces to enhance biodiversity, we need to monitor the effectiveness of our interventions over time.

This one-day workshop is taking place as part of the Palace’s going green project. The workshop will introduce a simple and effective pollinator survey methodology that will help to establish a baseline understanding of the relationship between plants and pollinators in your space through the year. This can then be used to inform planting decisions and help plan any enhancements. The effectiveness of these interventions can be assessed using the same methodology over subsequent years.


One very important group of pollinating insects are bees. Of all the pollinators, this is the group that can be most easily encouraged and monitored in the garden. To make our surveys of pollinating insects more detailed and linked specifically to the pollinator triangle of needs, we will also be exploring the science and art of identifying some of the nearly 300 hundred species of bees to be found in the UK. 

Mark Patterson (Apicultural)
Dr Tony Madgwick (London Natural History Society Recorder for Bees and Wasps)

Suitable for: staff and volunteers who attended Tony’s beginners session on 25 April; staff and volunteers with a little knowledge and want to learn more; staff and volunteers who would be keen to do regular surveys of the Palace grounds.

Timing: Wed 10 July 2024. 9.00 am tea and coffee and biscuits (provided) for a 9.30 am start; runs 9.30-15.00 with a lunch break. 

Location: Terrick rooms, Fulham Palace
You will also be out and about in the gardens, so please bring wear appropriate footwear/clothing.

Cost: Free to staff and volunteers. Donation appreciated from partners.

Booking: Please book by clicking here.



The Greatest Showman is coming to Earls Court and you could be to be part of the team.


Fulham Society at The Parsons Green Summer Fair, 6th July