Fulham’s finest front gardens
July 2021 - The winners were announced at the Summer party in July.
The Best Window Box prize was awarded to two adjoining gardens in Darlan Road where the variety of plants and flowers adorning the window sills and ground was quite breathtaking.
The Best Front Garden prize went to a front garden in Eustace Road. Not only had the owner made a show of her own front garden but had also planted, watered and maintained a selection of floral beds planted around trees in the street thus bringing additional pleasure to the immediate neighbourhood.
Second and Third prizes were awarded to gardens in Rosebury Road, Rosebank, Atalanta Street and Ellerby Street as well as two Special Recommendations in Munster Road and Felden Street.
Congratulations to all those who took part in the Front Garden Competition. The gardens all looked lovely and the judges had a difficult decision.
The Fulham Society’s Front Garden Competition is back and we are looking forward to seeing your beautiful front gardens.
Send or email two photographs taken in June of your front garden/window box/planter with the completed application form to: gardens@fulhamsociety.org. The application form can be copied/printed here.
The categories are
Best Front Garden
Best Planter or Planters
You don’t have to have a garden – there are prize for planters, tubs or window boxes and even hedges! They do, however, need to be visible from the road so that the judges can visit.
No need to be a Fulham Society member to enter - though we hope you are - and it doesn’t cost anything to enter.
We will announce the winners at the Summer Party on 20 July.
Fulham Society Front Garden Competition